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Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Carrot - 2 large sized.
Green Gram dhal - 1 1/2 tablespoons.
Green Chillies - 2(or more according to taste)
Tomatoes - 1 Lemon juice - 1 tsp.
Mustard seeds - for seasoning.
Cooking Oil - 1 tsp.
Salt - to taste.
Coriander leaves to garnish.
1. Soak the green gram dhal for 15-20 minutes, or until it is tender but not soft.
2. Grate the carrot.
3. Cut tomatoes into quarters.
4. Chop green chillies and coriander leaves.
5. Drain water from soaked green gram dhal and add this to the grated carrot. Also add the tomatoes.
6. Heat oil,drop mustard seeds. After the seeds pop, add green chillies, stir once and pour this into the grated carrot mixture.
7. Add salt, mix well and finally add lemon juice.
8. Garnish with coriander leaves. Variation: Replace tomatoes with more lemon juice. Use grated coconut for garnishing. Note: This is mainly a salad, which serves well as a side dish too. Raw carrot and tomatoes along with dal is very rich in vitamins and proteins. The same dish can be done with raw cucumber, cut into small pieces. Do not use tomatoes. You may use raw mangoes in place of lime juice. Garnish with grated coconut and coriander leaves.

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